If you've been following along with the little bungalow, you might know by now that we love to get outside and explore nature. This past weekend we took a trip down the coast and walked the beaches. We collected sticks, shells, feathers, pine cones, stones, you name it, the boys grabbed it. Our house is becoming a bit bare since we are moving so we've been doing a lot more crafting to keep our home feeling special still. We created these quick, easy to put together nature dreamcatchers and the boys were stoked on them! They are gracing out windows as I type this.
Get outside with the family, find some adventure and collect fun nature items so you can create some for your little bungalow.
Grab your sticks and size them accordingly so you can make a somewhat even triangle shape. You might have to trim a few sticks to make that happen. Once you have your triangle shaped out cut some string and wrap and weave it around in and out of each triangle corner until it feels secure. Knot it off and cut off remaining string. Make sure you leave a good inch of string hanging off when you start wrapping so you can tie two ends together in the end. Once all your corners are wrapped and secured your triangle shape should be complete. Next simply start wrapping your nature items and stringing them to your triangle using little knots to keep them hanging on to the base of the triangle. Go light or go heavy with your hangings, make it your own. After all items are hung onto your triangle shape cut another piece of string and wrap it around your frame up and down and all around knotting it off at the beginning or your first end. Pick a place to hang and display it, your kids will love showing it off to others and it's so cute when kids are proud of something they have helped with or have made. Happy crafting! I hope you enjoy this one!
Share your creations over @thelittlebungalow on Instagram so we can share them too!