One of my favorite crafts to do with my littles is paint and draw, I love seeing what they put down on paper. We love this craft so much and I love seeing their eyes light up when it comes to life. The colors are so beautiful too.
Here's what you need...
White crayola crayon
Watercolor paints
Paint Brushes
Simply cut out your egg shapes. Once all your eggs are cut, use your white crayons to draw designs onto your eggs. Press a bit harder than usual when using your crayon. When you have all of your design drawn out you can start painting your eggs. Make sure not to use too much water or else it will over saturate the paper and your designs might not show up. As you add your paints your eggs will come to life and the magic of it is so much fun to see! Let them dry and then make a banner out of them, or hang them in your windows, you can make them into beautiful cards, whatever your mind thinks up! Hope you enjoy these as much as we do!